Language Learning
Language Learning
Language Learning
Language Learning

Learning foreign languages in a natural native-like way is a long and complex undertaking.  Your whole person is affected as you struggle to reach beyond the confines of your mother tongue and into a new language, a new culture, a new way of thinking, feeling and acting.

Learning foreign languages in a natural native-like way is a long and complex undertaking.  Your whole person is affected as you struggle to reach beyond the confines of your mother tongue and into a new language, a new culture, a new way of thinking, feeling and acting.


Word of the day


paternal  /pəˈtɚnl/  adjective 1  of or relating to a father He did not neglect his paternal responsibilities after the divorce. He offered them some paternal [=fatherly] advice. 2 always used before a noun : related through

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"Being a polyglot is not a label, a title, a prize that one wins and then puts in the drawer. It is a way of life, a path to follow, a philosophy of life. It is a constant work and reflection on one’s limits and possibilities; but first and foremost a journey into the richness of humanity."

Mot du jour


jeter : v. Lancer. Claire jette la balle et le chien la lui rapporte. Les enfants applaudissaient et jetaient leurs bonnets en l’air. Jeter quelque chose, c’est s’en débarrasser, s’en

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