Showing 81-90 of 574 results


chide  /tʃaɪd/  verb [+ object] : to express mild disapproval of (someone) : to scold (someone) gently She chided us for arriving late. “You really should have been here on time,” she chided.


surveillance /sɚˈveɪləns/  noun [noncount] : the act of carefully watching someone or something especially in order to prevent or detect a crime government surveillance of suspected terrorists The bank robbery was recorded by surveillance …


grid /grɪd/  noun [count] 1 : a metal frame with bars running across it that is used to cover an opening A metal grid on a street in Milan 2 : a pattern …


overdue /ˌoʊvɚˈdu/  adjective 1 : not paid at an expected or required time She reminded him that the rent was overdue. He has many overdue 2 : not appearing or presented by a stated, expected, …


flee /fli/  verb 1 [no object] : to run away from danger They fled for their lives. The family fled from Nazi Germany to Britain in 1936. 2 [+ object] : to run away from (a place) He was …


habitable:  adj. Un endroit habitable, c’est un endroit où l’on peut habiter, vivre. Les Séverac ont aménagé le grenier pour le rendre habitable.