Showing 311-320 of 574 results


blaze /bleɪz/  verb      [no object] 1. to burn very brightly and intensely A fire blazed in the stove. 2 a . to shine very brightly The sun blazed down on us. 2 b . to …


Baigner : v. Mettre quelqu’un dans l’eau pour le laver : Denis Prost baigne son petit garçon tous les soirs, il lui fait prendre un bain. Yves aime beaucoup se baigner dans …


Bague : n. f. Anneau que l’on met au doigt et qui est parfois orne d’une pierre précieuse : Sophie Pelletier porte des bagues à chaque main. Baguer: Munir d’une bague : On bague …


Transpire /trænˈspaɪɚ /  verb 1 [no object] formal : to happen They wouldn’t say what had transpired [=taken place] at the meeting. No one will soon forget the historic events that transpired on that day. 2 [no object] …


gruesome /ˈgrusəm/  adjective : causing horror or disgust The police report described the scene in gruesome a gruesome murder — gruesomely adverb She was gruesomely — gruesomeness noun [noncount]


dishearten /dɪsˈhɑrtn̩/  verb [+ object] : to cause a person or group of people to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage : to discourage (someone) The conflict between their families disheartened — often used as (be) disheartened …


migrate /ˈmaɪˌgreɪt/  verb [no object] 1 : to move from one country or place to live or work in another He migrates from New York to Florida each winter. Thousands of workers migrate to …

Mess up

mess up  /ˈmɛsˈʌp/  verb Status: informal1 : to make a mistake : to do something incorrectly About halfway into the recipe, I realized that I had messed up, and I had to start over. — …