Showing 101-110 of 574 results
Pactiser: v. Conclure un pacte, un accord. Les deux ennemis ne se battront plus : ils ont fini par pactiser.
hurl /ˈhɚl/ verb 1 [+ object] : to throw (something) with force Someone hurled a rock through the window. He hurled a chair at me. It looked like she was going to hurl herself down the stairs. …
Gage: n. m. Chose que l’on laisse à quelqu’un en attendant de pouvoir le payer. Comme il n’avait pas d’argent pour payer son dîner, il a laissé sa montre en …
scant /ˈskænt/ adjective very small in size or amount Food was in scant supply. She paid scant attention to the facts. Police found scant evidence of fraud.
gripping /ˈgrɪpɪŋ/ adjective very interesting and exciting a gripping story about a slave’s escape to freedom — grippingly /ˈgrɪpɪŋli/ adverb a grippingly exciting story
Naufragé, naufragée : Personne se trouvant dans le bateau qui a fait naufrage. Les naufragés ont été hissés à bord des canots de sauvetage.
Nageur, nageuse : Personne qui sait nager. Les nageuses du championnat sont très musclées – Il y a plusieurs maîtres nageurs à la piscine de Montebourg, des professeurs de natation.
deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ verb [+ object] 1 a . to say that something is not true He denied the report that he would be quitting his job. She denies all the charges that have been …
bay /ˈbeɪ/ noun [count] a large area of water that is part of an ocean or lake and partly surrounded by land They went fishing in the bay. She lives in California …
Machinalement : D’une façon machinale. J’ai éteint la lampe machinalement.