Showing 1-10 of 567 results


initiate /ɪˈnɪʃiˌeɪt/  verb [+ object] 1 formal : to cause the beginning of (something) : to start or begin (something) initiate a new project Doctors have initiated a series of tests to determine the cause of the …


jeter : v. Lancer. Claire jette la balle et le chien la lui rapporte. Les enfants applaudissaient et jetaient leurs bonnets en l’air. Jeter quelque chose, c’est s’en débarrasser, s’en …


paternal  /pəˈtɚnl/  adjective 1  of or relating to a father He did not neglect his paternal responsibilities after the divorce. He offered them some paternal [=fatherly] advice. 2 always used before a noun : related through …


technician /tɛkˈnɪʃən/  noun  [count] 1 . a person whose job relates to the practical use of machines or science in industry, medicine, etc. medical/X-ray/laboratory technicians They hired a technician to help maintain the …


Habile : adj. Une personne habile, c’est une personne qui se sert de ses mains d’une manière efficace, rapide et intelligente. Le prestidigitateur était très habile. Angèle aime bien bricoler, …


abode /əˈboʊd/  noun [count] formal + humorous– the place where someone lives — usually singular The cottage became their abode[=home] for the summer. Welcome to my humble abode. — often used in legal language How long has …


Galant : adj. Poli et plein d’attentions délicates à l’égard des femmes. Un homme galant ouvre la porte et laisse passer les dames devant lui.


dam /dæm/  noun  [count]  a structure that is built across a river or stream to stop water from flowing The government has plans to build a dam and flood the valley. …