Showing 171-180 of 574 results


blossom  /ˈblɑsəm/   verb 1 : to produce flowers The trees have finished blossoming. 2 : to change, grow, and develop full Their friendship began to blossom during the summer. Their friendship blossomed into romance. …


conflict  /ˈkɑnˌflɪkt/   noun 1 : a struggle for power, property, etc. [count] an armed conflict violent border conflicts a conflict between two gangs [noncount] years of armed conflict recent violent conflict in the region conflict between …


Saboter  : v. Saboter un travail, c’est le faire vite et mal. Yves a saboté sa rédaction. Saboter une chose, c’est l’abîmer pour qu’on ne puisse plus s’en servir.  L’avion …


catastrophe  /kəˈtæstrəfi/  noun : a terrible disaster [count] The oil spill was an environmental catastrophe. Experts fear a humanitarian catastrophe if food isn’t delivered to the refugees soon. global/nuclear/economic catastrophe [noncount] an area on …


Saboter  : v. Saboter un travail, c’est le faire vite et mal. Yves a saboté sa rédaction. Saboter une chose, c’est l’abîmer pour qu’on ne puisse plus s’en servir.  L’avion …


crutch  /ˈkrʌtʃ/  noun 1 : a long stick with a padded piece at the top that fits under a person’s arm — usually plural Note: People who have difficulty walking often …


tidbit  /ˈtɪdˌbɪt/  noun 1 : a small piece of food tasty tidbits 2 : a small piece of news or interesting information I just heard a juicy tidbit about your brother. tidbits of gossip


Sabot : n.m. chaussure faite d’un morceau de bois creusé. Mamie Lou met ses sabots pour sortir dans le jardin. Corne qui entoure l’extrémité des doigts de certains animaux. Les …


settlement  /ˈsɛtl̟mənt/  noun 1 a [count] : a formal agreement or decision that ends an argument or dispute I got the house in the divorce settlement. The parties have not been able to reach/negotiate …