Showing 121-130 of 179 results

Fly high

fly high  /ˌˈflaɪˈhaɪ/  idiom [informal] 1 . to be very happy and excited She was flying high after her excellent exam results. 2 . to be very successful After some difficult years, the company …


sensational /sɛnˈseɪʃənl/  adjective 1 . causing very great excitement or interest with shocking details a particularly sensational trial/crime sensational headlines sensational news stories 2 . very excellent or great a sensational performance/idea a sensational(new) talent 3 …


colony /ˈkɑləni/  noun 1. a. an area that is controlled by or belongs to a country and is usually far away from it Massachusetts was one of the original 13 British colonies …


dyed-in-the-wool  /ˌdaɪdn̩ðəˈwʊl/  adjective always used before a noun, often disapproving – having very strong beliefs, opinions, etc., that you are not willing to change He is known as a dyed-in-the-wool conservative.


stealthy /ˈstɛlθi/  adjective quiet and secret in order to avoid being noticed the stealthy movements of the crocodile a stealthy burglar — stealthily /ˈstɛlθəli/ adverb

Weigh down

weigh down  /ˈweɪˈdaʊn/  phrasal verb 1.weigh (someone or something) down or weigh down (someone or something) : to press down on (someone or something) : to make (someone or something) heavier and less able to move easily …


obscure  /əbˈskyʊr/  verb [+ object] 1 to make (something) difficult to understand or know : to make (something) obscure The true history has been obscured by legends about what happened. They accused the company …


foliage  /ˈfoʊliɪʤ/  noun    [noncount]  the leaves of a plant or of many plants a tree with pretty foliage the thick green foliage of the jungle colorful autumn foliage


crutch /ˈkrʌtʃ/  noun 1 a long stick with a padded piece at the top that fits under a person’s arm — usually plural Note: People who have difficulty walking often …