Showing 101-110 of 179 results


refreshment /rɪˈfrɛʃmənt/  noun 1.refreshments [plural] : drinks and small amounts of food Light refreshments will be served/provided at the meeting. They provided plenty of liquid refreshments. 2. refreshment [noncount] : food and drink The workers were in need of refreshment. (humorous) …


deteriorate  /dɪˈtɪriəˌreɪt/  verb 1 [no object] : to become worse as time passes The weather gradually deteriorated as the day went on. Her health continues to deteriorate. efforts to save a deteriorating rain forest The disagreement deteriorated into …

Go all out 

go all out  /ˈgoʊ ˈɔl ˈaʊt/  idiom to do something with as much effort as possible When he has a party, he likes to go all out. Her company always went all out  to make …


beacon  /ˈbikən/  noun 1  a strong light that can be seen from far away and that is used to help guide ships, airplanes, etc. 2  a radio signal that is broadcast …


quaint /ˈkweɪnt/  adjective : having an old-fashioned or unusual quality or appearance that is usually attractive or appealing The fishing village was very quaint. The writer talks about the quaint customs of the natives. …


dependable /dɪˈpɛndəbəl/  adjective able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed : able to be depended on The old well is a dependable source of water. a dependable old car He’s the …


floor  /flɔr/  verb [+ object] 1 : to cover a surface with material to make a floor — usually used as (be) floored The lobby is floored with marble. 2 a : to knock someone …


snowbank /ˈsnoʊbæŋk/  noun [count] : a pile of snow especially along the side of a road The car slid into a snowbank. Huge snowbanks on both sides of the road


barefoot /ˈbɛrfʊt/  adverb without shoes : with the feet bare We walked barefoot in the stream. — barefoot or barefooted adjective barefoot children He was barefoot.