Showing 321-330 of 574 results


Cachet : n. m. Médicament qui a une forme de pastille et que l’on avale : Sylvain a pris un cachet d’aspirine pour faire tomber la fièvre. Marque que l’on imprime avec …


flight /flaɪt/  noun 1 [noncount]a the act of flying : the act of moving through the air by the use of wings the flight of a bee bird in flight[=a bird that is flying] b the …


nettle /ˈnɛt̬l/  verb [+ object] : to make (someone) angry The mayor’s recent actions have nettled some members of the community. It nettles him that his younger coworker got a promotion before he did.


vestige  /ˈvɛstɪʤ/  noun [count] formal 1 : the last small part that remains of something that existed before : Trace — + of a vestige of an ancient tradition He is still clinging to the last vestiges of his …


tweak  /ˈtwik/  verb [+ object]1 : to change (something) slightly in order to improve it : to make small adjustments to (something) The company may have to tweak[=adjust] its image. Our software developers are tweaking[=fine-tuning] the …


remote /rɪˈmoʊt/  adjective 1 a : far away : Distant She enjoys reading about remote remote galaxies 1b : far away from other people, houses, cities, etc. a remote island/village The mission is to transport medical supplies …


copious /ˈkoʊpiəs/  adjective always used before a noun: very large in amount or number The storm produced a copious amount of rain. She sat in the front row and took copious notes during the …


partially /ˈpɑrʃəli/  adverb : somewhat but not completely : to some extent or in some degree : Partly I guess I’m partially responsible for what happened. He only partially explained his reason for leaving. The building was partially destroyed …


virtuoso /ˌvɚtʃuˈoʊsoʊ/  noun       [count] : a person who does something in a very skillful way He’s a real virtuoso in the kitchen. especially : a very skillful musician She’s a piano virtuoso. — virtuoso adjective, always used before a …