Showing 161-170 of 574 results
mess up /ˈmɛs ˈʌp/ verb informal 1 : to make a mistake : to do something incorrectly About halfway into the recipe, I realized that I had messed up, and I had to start over. …
Saccager :v. Piller, ravager. Rome fut saccagée par les Wisigoths, elle fut mise à sac. Abîmer, mettre en désordre. Colle et Rat ont saccagée le jardin en jouant au ballon.
outcast /ˈaʊtˌkæst/ noun : someone who is not accepted by other people She felt like a social outcast.
relic /ˈrɛlɪk/ noun 1 : something that is from a past time, place, culture, etc. — often followed by of or from relics of ancient China relics from the war This law is a relic …
Sabotage :n.m. Action de saboter. L’accident d’avion est dû à un sabotage.
retail /ˈriˌteɪl/ noun : relating to the business of selling things directly to customers for their own use a retail establishment/shop/store the manufacturer’s suggested retail price [=the price of something when …
Saboteur : n.m. saboteuse : n.f. Personne qui fait du sabotage. Les saboteurs avaient sectionné des tuyaux dans le moteur de l’avion
blossom /ˈblɑsəm/ verb 1 : to produce flowers The trees have finished blossoming. 2 : to change, grow, and develop full Their friendship began to blossom during the summer. Their friendship blossomed into romance. …
conflict /ˈkɑnˌflɪkt/ noun 1 : a struggle for power, property, etc. [count] an armed conflict violent border conflicts a conflict between two gangs [noncount] years of armed conflict recent violent conflict in the region conflict between …
Saboter : v. Saboter un travail, c’est le faire vite et mal. Yves a saboté sa rédaction. Saboter une chose, c’est l’abîmer pour qu’on ne puisse plus s’en servir. L’avion …