Showing 51-60 of 574 results


klaxon : n. m. Avertisseur sonore. Pierre Séverac donne toujours un coup de klaxon dans les virages, quand il roule sur les petites routes en Dordogne.


crease /ˈkris/  noun 1 a [count] : a line or mark made by folding, pressing, or crushing something (such as cloth or a piece of paper) He ironed his pants to make the creases sharp. …


obtenir:  v. Obtenir quelque chose, c’est réussir à se le faire accorder, à se le faire donner. Nathalie a obtenu la permission de rentrer tard. David a obtenu de ses …

Under way

under way  /ˌʌndɚ’weɪ/  adverb 1 . in or into motion The train has had to stop briefly, but it should be under way again soon. The ship finally got under way. 2 …


stellar  /ˈstɛlɚ/  adjective 1 technical : of or relating to the stars stellar light the rate of stellar expansion 2 [more stellar; most stellar] : very good : EXCELLENT The movie has a stellar cast. a stellar performance


awkward /ˈɔkwɚd/  adjective 1 a . not graceful : Clumsy She is awkward at dancing. He had large feet and his walk was awkward and ungainly. an awkward movement The story contained some awkward writing. 1 b . lacking …

Mass transit

mass transit  /ˈmæsˈtrænzɪt/  noun    [noncount]  the system that is used for moving large numbers of people on buses, trains, etc. The mayor is trying to encourage more commuters to use mass …