Showing 21-30 of 567 results


tantrum /ˈtæntrəm/  noun     [count] : an uncontrolled expression of childish anger : an angry outburst by a child or by someone who is behaving like a child When he doesn’t get his way, he has/throws …

Bells and Whistles

bells and whistles  /ˈbɛlz ən ˈwɪsəlz/  noun [plural] informal parts and features that are useful or appealing but not essential or necessary : FRILLS The car was equipped with all the bells and whistles you could …

out of sorts

out of sorts  /ˈoʊt əv ˈsɔrts/  idiom 1 : somewhat angry or unhappy My boss is (feeling) out of sorts today. 2 : somewhat ill I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I’m feeling …


blazing /ˈbleɪzɪŋ/  adjective very hot, fast, or powerful the blazing heat/sun She runs with blazing speed. — blazingly adverb blazingly hot/fast


scruffy /ˈskrʌfi/  adjective   informal not neat, clean, or orderly a scruffy beard scruffy college students The neighborhood is full of dilapidated houses with scruffy backyards.