hollow /ˈhɑloʊ/  adjective

1 : having nothing inside : not solid

  • hollow log

2 : curved inward or down

  • hollow cheeks
  • There was a hollow spot in the field.

3 : not having real value or meaning

  • They achieved a hollow victory over a team missing its best players.
  • She made hollow
  • Their threats ring hollow. = Their threats have a hollow ring.

4 : Note — A sound that is hollow is like the sound made when you hit something that is empty inside.

  • He heard a hollow sound when he knocked on the wall.

5 : weak and without any emotion

  • “It’s useless,” he said in a hollow voice.
  • hollow laugh

hollowly adverb /ˈhɑləli/

  • “It’s useless,” he said hollowly.

hollowness noun [noncount]

  • the hollowness of her promises