Showing 111-120 of 340 results

private investigator

private investigator  /ˈpraɪvət ɪnˈvɛstəˌgeɪt̬ɚ/  noun  [count]  someone who works as a detective and who is not a member of a police force She hired a private investigator to follow her husband. …


torso /ˈ tɔrsoʊ/  noun    [count]  the main part of the human body not including the head, arms, and legs : Trunk exercises that strengthen the/your torso


deplorable /dɪˈplɔrəbəl/   adjective : very bad in a way that causes shock, fear, or disgust : deserving to be deplored The company has shown a deplorable [=appalling, unconscionable] lack of concern for the environment. children …


débattre : v. 1. Débattre d’un problème, c’est en discuter. Les conseillers municipaux ont débattu de l’emplacement du nouveau gymnase. Se débattre, c’est faire des efforts, s’agiter pour se dégager. …


confiscate  /ˈkɑnfəˌskeɪt/  verb [+ object] : to take something away from someone especially as punishment or to enforce the law or rules Guards confiscated knives and other weapons from the prisoners. The police …


Débarras: n. m.  1. Endroit où l’on range les objets qui encombrent. Sophie Pelletier a mis les manuscrits de ses livres dans le débarras. 2. Mme Harpie tourna les talons. …


slope  /ˈsloʊp/  noun [count] 1 a : ground that slants downward or upward : ground that slopes They climbed the steep slope. a slight/gentle slope 1 b : an area of land on a mountain that is …